Add Conscious Network

How to Add Conscious Network to MetaMask and Other Wallets

The Conscious blockchain supports all EVM wallets and the Cosmos Wallet, so you can still reference this guide if you use something other than MetaMask and still be part of the Conscious network!

Step 1:

Launch Metamask and click on the network bar above (by default, it should be set to Ethereum Mainnet). Select ‘Add network’ to begin the process.

Step 2:

You will be taken to a separate page where a list of preset networks can be added instantly. At present, you won’t find the Conscious Network as a preset yet, so you will have to click on ‘Add a network manually.

Step 3:

Insert the following specifications in their respective boxes:

Network name: CVN-Main


Chain ID: 2032

Currency symbol: CVN

Block explorer URL (Optional):

Lastly, click ‘Save’ and congrats! You have added the Conscious Network to your MetaMask wallet.

Last updated